EDUCATORS Publication is associated with the following SCOPUS/WOS/SCI/SCIE listed journal:
Serial No. | Journal Name | ISSN No. | INDEXING |
1 | Scientific Culture Q1 | 2407-9529 | SCOPUS |
2 | Oeconomia Copernicana Q1 | 2353-1827 | SCOPUS/SSCI |
3 | China: An International Journal Q3 | 0219-7472 | SSCI/SCOPUS |
4 | Social Behavior and Personality Q3 | 0301-2212 | SCOPUS/SSCI |
5 | Advances in Cognitive Psychology Q3 | 1895-1171 | SCOPUS/SSCI |
6 | Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology | 2157-3913 | SCOPUS/SSCI |
7 | Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research Q1 | 2014-2862 | SCOPUS/ESCI |
8 | Society and Economy Q3 | 1588-970X | SCOPUS |
9 | Seybold Report Q3 | 1533-9211 | SCOPUS |
10 | Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management Q3 | 0975-2854 | SCOPUS |
11 | Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Q4 | 2158-3595 | SCOPUS |
12 | Intangible Capital Q3 | 2014-3214 | SCOPUS/ESCI |
13 | Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology Q3 | 1998-3646 | SCIE/SCOPUS |
14 | Indian journal of Pathology and Microbiology Q3 | 0974-5130 | SCIE/SCOPUS |
15 | Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine Q1 | 2451-2680 | SCIE/SCOPUS |
16 | Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology (Multidisciplinary) Q4 | 2008-4161 | SCOPUS/SCIE |
17 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS Q3 | 1006-5911 | SCOPUS |
18 | Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing Q4 | 1004-9037 | SCOPUS |
19 | Semiconductor Optoelectronics Q4 | 1001-5868 | SCOPUS |
20 | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems Q2 | 1875-8967 | SCIE/SCOPUS |
21 | Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing Q3 | 2326-005X | SCIE/SCOPUS |
22 | Telematique | 1856-4194 | ESCI |
23 | Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology | 0256-971X | WOS |